Soil Heavy Metal Analysis and Remediation
Soil heavy metal analysis and remediation
- Fundamental biogeochemical processes that affect heavy metal and trace element bioavailability, human health, and ecological risk in soil-water systems
- Development of innovative in vitro chemical methods to evaluate contaminant bioavailability
- Development and evaluation of new technologies used for remediation of contaminated soils (e.g., in situ immobilization, bioremediation)
Selected Publications
Whitacre et al., 2017. Modification of an existing in vitro method to predict relative bioavailable arsenic in soils. Chemosphere. 180:545–552.
Beyer et al., 2016. Bioaccessibility tests accurately estimate bioavailability of lead to quail. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 35:2311–2319.
Li et al., 2015. In vitro bioaccessibility and in vivo relative bioavailability in 12 contaminated soils: Method comparison and method development. Science of The Total Environment. 532:812–820.
A complete list of our publications is provided in the Publications page.
Current Projects
We're participating in the Upper Columbia River (UCR) Soil Amendment Technology Evaluation Study (SATES). This partnership between US and Canadian federal and state agencies, tribes, and universities will conduct a remedial investigation and feasibility study for managing historic smelter contamination in the Upper Columbia River valley. Our lab will evaluate the ability of several soil treatments to reduce soil heavy metal bioavailability in plants and humans.